/* Section: IGN search The IGN_search widget is used to search place names or address candidates from IDEE and CartoCiudad services using autocomplete functionality, and select one of them from the list of candidates. The result of invoking this widget is an input text box with an autocomplete dropdown menu with options, when one of the options is selected a geoJSON Feature Collection is returned that it may be represented in a result layer. To get started, an example is shown describing how to use the widget in an HTML document, with three different map libraries, please pay attention to the comments included in this example: (start code) Ejemplo integración busqueda por topónimo y callejero
(end) IGN_search widget uses several internal CSS styles defined by default in: - //netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css - //code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css These styles may be overridden to suit custom design needs. To apply new styles, some knowledge of the widget HTML output is required. The following code is generated as the HTML rendering of the widget. Class attributes mark styles to be overridden. > '
' > '' > '' > '
' */ (function ($) { var ign_search_version = '1.0'; // const to use later var origins = { "services": 'services', "idee": 'idee' }; var protocol = 'https:' === document.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'https:'; var url_services_candidates = 'https://www.cartociudad.es/geocoder/api/geocoder/candidatesJsonp'; var url_services_find = 'https://www.cartociudad.es/geocoder/api/geocoder/findJsonp'; var url_idee_prefix = 'https://www.idee.es/'; var url_idee_search_assistant = 'https://www.idee.es/communicationsPoolServlet/SearchAssistant'; var url_idee_dispatcher = 'https://www.idee.es/communicationsPoolServlet/Dispatcher'; //check if Wkt has been loaded previously var wkt_src = protocol + '//componentes.ign.es/NucleoVisualizador/js/wicket.js' window.Wkt || document.write('